Wednesday, October 19, 2011

"The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" by Jamie Ford

Author's Website

I'll get this started after I finish "Rainbow Valley" from the Anne series.
Update (10/22/11):  I'm a few chapters into it, and I'm hooked.  So if you're thinking about reading this, jump right in!

Update (11/3/11):  I finished this a few days ago.  It was such a thoroughly delightful book.  It made me reflect upon my own adolescence in a new light.  I've been to Seattle a few times, and I live just a few hours away from the Minidoka area.  If I make it to Seattle again I'll make time to visit the Panama Hotel and dive into that unique history of the city.  I don't know if the Minidoka camp area still exists; that merits some research and perhaps a visit, too.  This was a wonderful read.